High School Programme – PFF 2023

This year, in the framework of PFF’s Educational Program and with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Skopje, the High School Programme took place traditionally in the course of April 2023. On April 4, a screening of the film THE SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE (El espiritu de la colmena / The Spirit of the Beehive, 1973) by Viktor Erise was held at the Youth Cultural Center in Skopje for students from Skopje (6 high schools) and Veles and, then, in the period between April 5 and April 11, screenings were also held in 5 more cities for students from Shtip, Negotino, Bitola, Gevgelija and Ohrid (with students from Struga attending as well). Around 500 students from 13 schools (11 cities) took part; apart from the abovementioned, 3 other schools from Kumanovo, Sveti Nikole and Probishtip held school screenings. About twenty students sent their essays as of May 5, and from all of the received essays, the three-member expert committee consisting of: Vangel Nonevski, Marija Todoroska and Vladimir Martinovski will select the three best essays for this edition.
The award ceremony will take place at a special event at the Cinematheque of N. Macedonia (May 31, 1:00 p.m.).
The three first-prize students will receive a one-year scholarship from the Europa Prima University of Audiovisual Arts, financial awards, sets of philosophical literature and magazines from the publishing house “Az-Buki” and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia, a set of DVDs with Macedonian films from the Cinematheque of N. Macedonia, as well as a Spanish language course and books from the Embassy of Spain in Skopje. The winning essay will also be published in the journal Philosophical Debate.
Topic for the Best High School Essay Contest:
The introductory presentation of the topic, held by Prof. PhD. Ana Dimishkovska, is available on the Festivals’ YouTube channel – HERE!
The Spirit of the Beehive (El espíritu de la colmena, 1973)
Victor Erice, ES, 97′
Six-year-old Ana is a shy girl who lives in a big house with her parents and sister in a quiet rural area in Spain. The civil war has just ended, and a screening of the American horror film “Frankenstein” is being organized in the village. The film leaves a deep impression on Anna and initiates her interest in exploring and learning about the scary world outside.
“The Spirit of the Beehive” is the debut film of Victor Erice, who with this poetic and visually remarkable film in 1973 wins the main prize at the San Sebastian Film Festival – the “Golden Shell”. It is a film that is considered a masterpiece of Spanish cinema.